Renting your accommodation in furnished tourist accommodation may seem like the solution to making an investment profitable , a family home or to increase your income.
The Gulf of Saint-Tropez, where we work, attracts millions every year of tourists. Many owners (sometimes for years) decide to get into seasonal rentals.
Often more profitable than simple rental and fooled by the simplicity of the platforms, owners get started without sometimes having measured the essential key elements.
In order to save money, many choose to manage their property alone or remotely. However, our experience has shown us that agencies are not only a cost, but also an expertise to avoid or manage difficult situations.
Birthday gone wrong
Party in the vacation rental

A beautiful luxurious villa of 400m2 with swimming pool on the French Riviera, a splendid estate with no close neighbors, a young man celebrating his thirtieth birthday.
What was supposed to happen, happened. A party. The big party with drinks, music and the next day waking up difficult.
They had nevertheless sworn to the owners that it would be in a small group, that the party was confined around the swimming pool...
Yet in a few hours, the beautiful house was transformed into a battlefield . A tragedy and a terrible vision for the owners and new tenants who will not be long!
Repair the damage
Luckily we were there, we had pre-sensed the drama, the owners had trusts the future thirty-year-old, but we had anticipated.
Our cleaning team worked miracles, armed with reinforcements and almost 72 hours cumulative household. The house was polished, disinfected, repaired.
Acting and adapting is an essential part of our profession. Also know how to coordinate teams:
Call the pool specialist urgently to clean the pool,
Put the hectare of garden back in order,
Clean the whole house, wash all the walls, floors and ceilings,
Shampoo the carpets and curtains,
Replace all furniture,
Clean all doors and windows,
Check every corner.
As if nothing had happened.
Obtain compensation
After managing the emergency, we also wanted to obtain compensation for the damage and the costs of erasing them.
Again, it's our job and we know how to do it, we know the laws and the tricks so as not to be overtaken by the bad faith of the partygoers.
Because before cleaning, like forensic agents, we carried out the investigation, recovered evidence: photos, written exchanges, neighborhood survey, trash cans, social networks. We leave nothing to chance.
We build a strong case, we use all the levers and finally we obtain financial compensation at the height.
We may tell you other stories, but this one bears witness the importance of using trusted and professional agencies for your seasonal rentals. No one is safe from the big destructive party and knowing how to get out of it without too much stigma can be a real challenge.